Proudly supporting WA sports shooters and clubs for 25 years
What an outstanding event—over 200 shotgun shooters competed in the Geraldton Clay Target Club's 43rd Annual Crayfish Carnival last weekend. Words can't describe how good this event was to attend. Extremely professional, incredibly well run, and with a great family-inclusive vibe over the whole three-day shoot is the best I can come up with to explain how good this event is. If you haven't attended, you need to make it a "must do" as a shotgun shooter—it's that good. Put it in your calendar.
A huge thank you to the Geraldton Clay Target Club's dedicated committee and volunteers for delivering arguably the best shotgun event in Western Australia. Barry & Son Firearms partnered with Beretta Australia to jointly sponsor the event. Beretta Australia supplied "Forever Servicing" over the three days to owners of Beretta, Benelli, and Franchi shotguns—this is a free service offered by Beretta Australia, and by the overwhelming positive response from attendees, it was extremely well received. Hopefully, we will be back next year.